You can like or respect somethings about a person or even think they are "basically decent" but that doesn't mean they should be President or are worthy of a vote to hold that office. I will take a pass on RFK Jr for President.

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Being a writer for Children's Health Defense Canada, I can say that this organization , though not perfect, is one of the only ones, along with RFK, to even touch the subject of the smart grid and EMF:


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RFK jr is a total DISGRACE for being in the pocket of the zionist lobby!! His knowledge of the Middle East and the zio genocide is less than minuscule. This trumps any other position he has on ANYTHING. For SHAME! Boycott fraudulent USRaeli (s)elections.

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Well, except RFK Jr is a climate change fear monger. I know lots of conservatives who are classical environmentalists who possess a great environmental steward philosophy as does RFK Jr. However , he’s also a global warming climate change alarmist who wants B I G government to regulate the shit out of individuals and businesses to enforce a fraudulent ideology.

Tucker left this ideology out of his analysis, and thus he is wrong. Bobby’s climate alarmism and regulatory goals disqualify him from any serious consideration by real conservatives.

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He's a gun-control nut and a climate-zealot.

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But unfortunately RFK has his head stuck up his ass in regard to Palestine/Israel. He doesn't seem to mind killing Palestinian children....

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Trump needs to pick RFK as his VP in order to win big enough to overcome the cheating that will undoubtedly take place

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I like RFK! He’d do a heck of a lot better than Obama or Biden!

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Yeah! And best of all, he wants to lock up “climate deniers”!!

No, thanks. I will pass.

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Bobby Kennedy is pro abortion right?

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Tucker the shill, RFK wants digital passports, supports the vaccine industry, and is best friends with Hilary Clinton!!!!!! I rest my case

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also said that if was presented with a bill to take away guns from American citizens he would sign it. (maybe an imperfect quote)

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Abortion, 2nd amendment, climate- these downsides aren’t negated by his pharma stances. He talks a good deep state line but still endorses their globalist policies

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The one thing I was surprised by last night was how long RFK Jr. talked about pharma and "poisoning" the food and air. I don't think he mentioned 'cloud seeding' in particular, but I don't think he had to.

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Thank you for sharing. I am an RFK fan. I have followed him for years on CHD platform. He clearly sees what is going on. He has a sane voice. I believe he will fight for us, and the country. That said, I think his life is in danger and it would be a miracle if he actually won. He also could throw the election to the current president who should not be re-elected, in my opinion.

I can not vote for Trump. He is a wild card, which we may still need. He sold us out on C-19 issue. I'm not sure he understands what the cabal is planning and doing. So I must continue to think about this as it unfolds over the next months.

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Tucker is right in that RFK is more like the older blue dog Democrats of his father and uncle's era. However, he still supports the Democrat party platform, including supporting abortion. So I couldn't support him for president even though I admire the work he's done at CHD and his truth-telling about the harms of vaccines and many other drugs and how we 've been lied to be Fauci et al about Covid.

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