Exactly, an apology and authentic repentance require specifics. The Atlantic article isn't really asking for our forgiveness, even though the gaslighting language sounds like that. It's asking for a free pass for all crimes done, a clean slate, so they can do it again. That disgusting article drives toward the punchline at the end, pushing for more vax mandates, for children. It should've been called, The Covert Narcissist's Guide to Pandemic Gaslighting: The Art of Subtly Virtue-Signaling While Erasing History.

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Cody Lee..

11/11/1998 - 9/22/2021,

Our eldest son killed by “random act of violence” or a “hate crime”.. gone, either way. His Gift of Life organ donations, most likely denied to people “like me”... family and friends, not allowed to sit with him, as he lay in ICU for 3 weeks, leading up to his death.


Mary Susan.

9/11/1946 - 1/15/2022, My mother n law, died “suddenly and unexpectedly”, on her bedroom floor. As I performed cpr for 15 minutes awaiting ems. As my husband, her only child, and her youngest grandson. Our son. Watched as she died. Last Moderna injection given 12-9-2021..


These are the top 2 in a very, very long list of trauma, and terror.

Perpetrated upon the citizens of the world, by active participants of the largest genocide in the history of the world. Or complicit accomplices who have had more than enough time... to know what has been done.

You get zero forgiveness from me... the amount of harm done to everyone, is unfathomable.

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Nov 5, 2022·edited Nov 5, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Thank you TVF.

She wrote 'amnesty' because at some level, she knows just how wrong this was. Amnesty is what is given to people who have done serious crimes. As Del points out, she is admitting the want for amnesty without confessing to the crime. Or even really admitting a crime beyond ignorance. Isn't ignorance no excuse from the law? And isn't this an admission that I am simply a simperingly stupid PhD who you dumb idiots can trust? OMG!

For some reason, I have become stuck on atonement. What is she willing to do to help atone for the damage? Tangibly help the people and families who have suffered financial and personal injury and death? Step up. It seem to me that this if empty woke virtue signalling and likely a directive first charge into changing the narrative by the covidians.

I've commented on this in several places. Almost time to put it into my own stack. Anyway, I've pasted below my longer response from Charles Eisenstein's response to Oster, for anyone interested in a longer response. Some may find it interesting.


Amnesty, Yes—And Here is the Price


Thank you Charles, for putting this together.

I sort of almost agree with you. And for some people perhaps contrition would be enough for an 'amnesty' to be granted.

Amnesty? That Oster used the word amnesty infers that she knows, at some level, that she has done something seriously wrong given that she, and the others like her were vociferous, even violent and hate promoting pro-injection advocates. (I've seen some of her tweets.) Her article is, therefore, a woeful woke virtue signalling screed and that is all. At the very least, her belligerent advocacy of injection nears hate speech and by that measure warrants, perhaps, criminal investigation.

Also, although I am not a lawyer, somewhere in the back of my brain is the phrase "ignorance is no excuse from the law." She pleads a (false) ignorance as if that makes her wilful disregard for common human decency, ethics and respect somehow okay. I doubt she would suggest that is okay for ku kux klan members who pleaded ignorance that the organisation was really about hating another human being.

The evidence against the myriad covidian processes, as you say, was not well hidden. Those of us here, for a variety of reasons, looked for it. Her ignorance was wilful disregard. I write 'wilful' because she chose to obey an authority directing her to act in a hateful way rather than to question the authority that directed her to suspend the basic human rights of free speech, bodily autonomy and respect for truth and honesty, let alone simple human decency and ethical behaviour.

In other substack comments I have written that her false appeal lacks atonement. You mention contrition as important. Under the circumstances with consequences that you described well, contrition is not really adequate. Atonement is to step towards rectifying the damage done by the hurtful actions. I’m not sure that what has been done can actually be rectified. Contrition lacks even that step. Your list of requirements are fine, and yet they are really an elaborate contrition.

What would you suggest would be an atonement?

This brings to my mind the story of Oedipus Rex. Freud did a slight of hand, and so we mostly think of Oedipus as having sex with his mother. Perhaps a few think of him as having killed his father. The 'real' story of Oedipus is that, despite doing these abhorrent acts in COMPLETE ignorance, he plucked out his eyes in an EFFORT to ATONE for his evil.

Where is this genuine atonement with people like Oster? What I see in her is woke virtue signally as clear as day. Empty and groundless and likely an early sign that the perpetuators of the crime, even though they may not have been the instigators, are looking for an apology without atonement or even contrition. In a funny way, Oster has said ‘Wow! Look at me. I am so stupid, with my PhD, that with my loving hate spewing wokeness I could not see anything really going on so let me continue to act as stupidly as I can going forward as I bellow my truth and crash around life like a bull in a china shop, smashing what remains of human decency and ethics, truth, bodily sovereignty, the American constitution, and the value of the individual.’

You mentioned Tim Robbins as expressing something closer to a genuine apology, with some signs of contrition. What about atonement? What is he willing to DO, to go beyond contrition? Help in tangible real world ways to rebuild the lives that were destroyed by family death, injury, fracture and/or imposed financial hurt or ruin?

Oedipus blinded himself willingly because he knew in his core that being ignorant when he killed his father and had sex with his mother did not excuse him from the evil of what he did. Am I suggesting that Oster and Robbins pluck out their eyes? Not really. However, Oedipus killed his father and had sex with his mother. The so-called self proclaimed ignorance of Oster and those like her is not in the same league as Oedipus. As has been made very clear by many people from many parts of the world from many disciplines and from all parts of humanity, the 'errors' of EVERYTHING covid were not hidden! The blindness to it all was wilful, not ignorance.

What her and her likeminded wilfully blind covidians did was far far worse than what the genuinely ignorant Oedipus did: they supported actions that were killing millions of people, including children, and injuring 10s of millions more. Eye plucking might not be such a bad atonement for genuine wilful blindness. Of course the down side is that the rest of us would have the burden of looking after them on top of the injection injured. Perhaps an atonement is for the advocates to take it upon themselves to wilfully attend and care for the families who have been injured with loss of loved ones, loss of physical and financial health.

Apologies without atonement are, under the circumstances, hollow at best and worse than nauseating at worst.

And it is important that the atonement be voluntary for the apology to be considered 'true'. Involuntary atonement is simply punishment, and of far lesser value to both the society and the individual, even when desired and/or required.

As time moves on I suspect that it will become a challenge to discern the difference between an apology as virtue signalling and 'real.' That problem will not be as big an issue with atonement. How willing and to what extent is Oster eager to atone for her sins in a real world way so that it isn’t just empty woke virtue signalling?

Oedipus killed his father, had sex with his mother and blinded himself willingly because he knew in his core that his ignorance was not an excuse from what he did. An empty mea culpa because I was stupid educated person and too ignorant to the evil I actively participated in and promoted is not cutting the muster. And ‘mere’ contrition doesn’t either.

I will conclude with a question, since you mentioned the importance of actions to ensure that this ‘never happens again’. To me that begs the question of why Nuremberg 1.0 wasn’t enough to stop the desire, perhaps even requirement, for a Nuremberg 2.0? (Does Oster’s use of the world ‘amnesty’ hint that such a thing is in the offing for people like her?) If we don’t understand why Nuremberg 1.0 wasn’t enough to stop the covidians I doubt that Nuremberg 2.0 will stop future atrocities. Right now I am wrestling with this question and will be posting on it soon. I would love to know your thoughts on this.

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Nov 5, 2022·edited Nov 5, 2022

Okay so I'm going to be a little prickly on this. Del doesn't get to decide on this "apology" nonsense either. He should have shut it down immediately. A big 'No Way' period- won't be having this discussion right now.

I'm sorry but the points that matter right now are:

1) No discussion about "apologies" whatsoever should be happening at this point in time- period;

2) This is not about repentance this is about justice. The crimes are ongoing- again how can we even be discussing this. Trials first;

3) While many of us are victims, many lost jobs, their businesses, their homes, their FUTURES- I believe in some ways all of us lost (had stolen from us) something- those who lost family members directly (murdered by various Covid policies) get first say and strongest voice on when and IF forgiveness is granted. Not me, not Del, certainly not narcissists like Oster. The victims decide not the perpetrators.

As an aside this was never an apology in the first place it was a PR stunt- an exercise in gaslighting the public to test the waters on "proper messaging."

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I watched this HighWire episode live and they way Del expressed himself about this issue was so powerful and concise. He completely nails it. When Del goes on a rant it can be pretty epic. I had to pause the video and just think about what he said and digest it for a few minutes before continuing with the rest of the episode. The way you transcribe and present it with images captures the intent and really facilitates sharing the content. Thank you, appreciate it.

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First of all. They're not sorry, they're not admitting their wrong so I'm waiting for that.

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While watching Del’s video, I was struck by the audience response to Jimmy Kimmel comedy. When he was saying that unvaccinated people should be left to die without medical care, audience was laughing and clapping. I can’t forgive Jimmy and his audience.

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War criminals.

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Just today my daughter’s medical exemption was denied and her job offer rescinded. She is a pediatric ICU nurse - during the pandemic her unit was turned into a COVID unit - she had only 1 pediatric COVID patient - he was 17 and weighed 300 pounds and needed asthma treatment for a day. She left that unit for a neonatal ICU across the street - why? Because at one point in 2021 23 out of 25 beds were taken up by middle school aged children - all attempted suicides and she needed to get out of there. She’s worked in the NICU for a year now. She has a medical exemption from the “vax” because she was injured by gardasil - she has a serious autoimmune condition called MCAS that developed after her 2nd gardasil shot. This year there was a paper published with 15 other girls in the same situation. It took almost 15 years for the connection to be made and published in the literature. She was recruited to be a case manager for pediatric ICU patients - she’s a great nurse - she was offered the job and the hospital has a vaccine mandate - so she turned in her doctor’s letter - genetic test results and her own letter and it was denied. Why? Because the CDC doesn’t list her condition as a contraindication for the Covid “vax”. They don’t really list anything other than reactions to this injection.

No - there should be no amnesty - the tyranny is still out there.

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I don't have power to grant amnesty.

Those that coerced vax need Nuremberg trials and if convicted, Death.

Let's be very clear... I can forgive my civil rights attacked.

But Amnesty for mass murder? This is obscene.

Those that say it... Aren't on our side.

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I will never buy their fake repentance. You have to have an alive soul to do so. Their actions proved to me that they are all DEAD inside. You cannot expect a piece of wood to repent. And if it would try to convince me of repenting, I would know that dead wood doesn’t produce flowers. Therefore- no forgiveness. Guilty is my verdict.

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Remorse arrives spontaneously from deep within, without being requested or solicited, and never is part of a quid quo pro.It has a relationship to having a conscience and a belief in something bigger and better than sordid selfishness. The begrudging partial admission that is pulled out from a reluctant perpetrator is no better than a hacksaw blade baked into a cake given to a jailed criminal.

I cannot foretell what punishment may be exacted by G-d or by my fellow men, but I will not turn the other cheek, ever.

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My gratitude to Mr. Del for speaking on my behalf. I live in Canada under the psychopathic totalitarian Justin Trudeau and I am angry over his brutal mandates that are too exhausting to mention. Anyone who disagreed, even doctors and nurses, were fired without pay and in spite of the collapsing medical system, are not being hired back. The rest of the doctors are on board with Trudeau and I personally have lost two medical friends for not agreeing with the poison dart.

There is even a medical doctor who is urging the medical system to make mask wearing mandatory again. Too many ignoramuses still wear them.

The provincial medical bureaucracies are all believers in Trudeau’s Marxist ideologies, who are still advertising that people, and children, need to be vaccinated. Churches were closed and some pastors who chose to obey God instead of Caesar, were put in jail for weeks or months. Some appeals are still ongoing. I will not even mention the peaceful Trucker protesters who Trudeau refused to meet with, and instead declared the War Measures Act and set his RCMP stormtroopers, some on the horseback, on the protesters.

My husband died in palliative care, not of Covid-19, two years ago. I was only allowed to ‘invite’ 50 people to his memorial service. 24 hours before the service date, BC’s medical Marxist changed, without prior warning, that only 10 people were allowed in the church. I had to uninvited 50 people at the last minute. The church we were attending, were very quick to say, ‘yes sir, no sir’ to the government.

So yes, I am still very angry. However, I have forgiven them, with the consolation that God will deal with all of them, as Scripture tells as that “it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God”!

As for COVID, I am very grateful to my husband who warned family and friends NOT to get vaccinated as the vaccine was made in too short a time to be safe, the mRNA is very dangerous and spike protein will cause serious harm to one’s system. He was well qualified to know about vaccines. So I have happily been using “horse paste” as a prophylaxis. One does not need to ‘suck it up’, only to rub it into one’s fattest parts.

Thank you for allowing me to vent!

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Ahh no, no amnesty, no forgiveness and no quarter. These people have destroyed the world as we knew it - they dont deserve to be part of the new one we rebuild.

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It is rare that retrospective legislation is warranted but in this case it is. Many people have died and the perps need to be held to account. The ultimate penalty is required. Some of the perps are already claiming that they were only following orders.

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Amnesty is not forgiveness.

Amnesty is intentional forgetfulness.

Do not forget.

Do not forgive.


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